Now you know how to introduce yourself with
some simple sentences. Try to make new friends, and then develop further into
good friends or best friends. In this lesson, we are going to learn “he, she,
we, they” and “am, is, are”. Do you know how to use these English words?
The word “he” refers to male, boy and man.
It is use to show that the people we are referring to is a male. For example: James is my friend. He is 7 years old.
The word “she” refers to female, girl and
woman. It is use to show that the people we are referring to is a female. For
example: Suzan is my friend. She is 7
years old.
The word “we” refers to us a unit of more
than two people, regardless males or females. It is use to indicate a group of
people including myself. For example: James
and Suzan are my friends. We are 7 years old.
The word “they” refers to them as a unit of
more than two people, regardless males or females. It is use to indicate a
group of people excluding myself. For example: James and Suzan are friends. They are 7 years old.
The word “am” basically follows behind “I”,
whereas “is” often follows behind “he” and “she”. These words are often use to
show that the person we referring to is a single unit (singular). In the other
hand, the word “are” always follows behind “we” and “they”. It is to show that
the persons we referring to are more than one unit (plural).
Remember that it is wrong to use “am” for
he or she. It is only for “I”. Also, it is incorrect to use “is” for plural
(we, they) and “are” for singular (he, she, I).
i can speak better pronouns now.